Monthly Delivery
Benefits Included
Protection $99.99/Mo.
Annual Lucid Factory Maintenance Package *
5% Discount on Parts & Accessories (3% w/ Drone Assurance)
Protection Plus $199.99/Mo.
- Annual Lucid Factory Maintenance Package
- 10% Discount on Parts & Accessories (6% w/ Drone Assurance)
- Expedited In-House Repairs
- Loaner Drone 2x/ Annually
Complete Protection $349.99/Mo.
Annual Lucid Factory Maintenance Package *
- Expedited In-House Repairs
Semi-Annual Lucid Factory Maintenance Package *
Loaner Drone: Unlimited Use Annually
- 15% Discount on Parts & Accessories (10% w/ Drone Assurance)
- Extended Support Hours
- Fleet Management Suite
*Includes: 6 propellers, spray servo, exterior decontamination and cleaning, Multipoint inspection, testing of electrical components, labor.
**Freight not included for customer drone, or loaner drone. Customer responsible for all freight charges.